
Soul Eater: Maka the Black Blood Witch Chapter 1

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Okay, this story was something I had in my head and I thought it would be cool. Okay I started watching Soul Eaters I thought it was really cool show and when the episode where Soul gets cut and is infected with black blood I thought 'why not do the same with Maka but with witch's blood," then I came up with this.

I don't own Soul Eater they belong to their rightful owners, A/N is Author's Notes and O.C. (if I have any) and plot are mine. In joy.


Chapter 1: The Black Rose Thorn Gang

It was a clear and starry night, the moon was out and mostly everyone people was enjoying it except for two people. Soul and Maka were taking a ship to New York City (A/N 1) because of some strange incidents that were happening around the city.  Lord Death sent them to investigate the strange happenings.


In Lord Death’s office, Soul and Maka were told of their assignment. “Rumors have been going around about a gang that have been making a name for themselves.  They were once one of the lowest gangs on the list," he informed them. "I do have a theory that a witch is leading this gang and giving them powers. I want you two to go there and investigate!"

End of Flashback

"So Maka," Soul started, "if this group is led by a witch, do you think we could beat her?"

"I'm not... sure." She said truthfully looking into the night sky.

"Well then…, we'll just have to wait and see when we get there," he replied. "In the meantime, would you like to dance? (A/N 2) It could get our minds off the matter until then."

He held out his hand to her and she accepted the offer. She smiled and said, "Try not to step on my feet, Soul, like you always do!"

He smiled showing his sharp teeth and said, "Don't worry, I won't! I've been practicing." For the next hour they had fun but Maka had to use her Maka Chop on Soul because he was making a pig of himself at the buffet (A/N 3). When they finally docked, Maka and Soul went around town to investigate.

"So, where should we start?" Soul asked.

"Let's walk around and ask," Maka suggested. "There is bound to be some rumors being spread about this gang, right?"

"Then, let's get started then," He replied walking away.

"Hey, wait up!" she yelled running after Soul.

Soul and Maka strolled around the city for an hour or two. They ran into one girl that told them, "Are you talking about The Black Rose Thorn Gang? I'm sorry, but I don't know where their hangout is."  Maka and Soul then ran into one boy that answered, "I heard that they were once a small girls gang (A/N 4), that's all I know.”  He then gazed at Maka and he started flirting with her, “By the way, how about a date sweet cheeks?" Maka and Soul puffed with anger at the boy’s crude question and the demeaning nickname, they left the boy seeing stars, he later went to see his dentist the same day (A/N 5). It didn’t help with the other people they had asked, but they would all respond to them with the same, "Yeah, I know about them but not about their hangout," "Sorry, I don't know where they are," or "I do know them but not the location of their hangout. Sorry that I can't be of any help!"

The duo kept walking around until Soul complained, "This is getting us nowhere!"

"I know how you feel, Soul," Maka replied, "But, we still have to find The Black Rose Thorn Gang's hideout."

"Did you say The Black Rose Thorn Gang?" asked a female.

"Let me guess, you have heard of them but you don't know where their hangout is, right?" Soul replied with annoyance clear on his face. Both him and Maka turned around to see a girl in her early twenties with raven black hair that went down to her lower back, she had emerald green eyes, her face was heart-shaped, and she was in excellent shape. Her attire consisted of a white t-shirt with a flaming heart picture on it, which was covered up with crimson red coat. The woman was also wearing some dark blue jeans and black three inch high-heeled boots on.

"I’m actually a member," she replied with her rolling up her sleeve and revealing a black rose tattoo.

"Nobody told us that the members had tattoos!" Maka exclaimed wide eyed.

“Well, it seems like our attempt of hiding them from public sight worked!" the woman answered with a slight chuckle.

“If you don’t mind me asking.  Could we meet your boss?” Maka demanded as she regained her former stern composure, she didn’t want this lady laughing at her again.

"Oh, you want to join our group?" the raven-haired woman asked.

"Sure, can we join?” Maka asked with a false smile plastered on her face.  Soul gasped at Maka’s unexpected and excited response.  He grabbed Maka's wrist, glanced at the smiling woman and interrupted with a false smile of his own, "Give us a few minutes!" He dragged Maka into a nearby alleyway to talk in private.

"What are you thinking, Maka?" he asked angrily.

"I was thinking if we tell her that we want to join her gang then she'll take us to where their hangout is," she answered.

"Yeah, but what if they find out we’re just trying to find their hideout to-" that's all he got out before Maka covered his mouth.

"They won't find out about our mission!" she told him. "Not unless you shout it out loud!"  Maka finished glancing around nervously.

"Mission?" asked a voice from behind them, which greatly surprised them. They spun on their toes to greet the raven-haired woman that they were talking to a few minutes ago. 

"What Mission, w-what are you talking about?"

Maka had already removed her hand from off of Soul’s mouth.  "Um…, well-” was the only sentence that the duo could reply with.

"Are you two from another gang?"  The raven-haired woman demanded, her small eyebrows furrowing into her brow and her emerald green eyes darkening.  

"N-no, it’s not what you’re thinking!”  Soul gasped, waving his hands frantically and right in front of his face, "We're just-uh…, Maka tell her."

"What!?" asked Maka in shock. "Why me!?"

"Because," he whispered to her, "you're the smart one here!"

"Wait, your uniform is from D.W.M.A., isn't it?" the woman angrily approached them and then stopped right in tracks once she noticed Maka’s blouse.

"Oh we're so busted!" Soul exclaimed, putting his hands up towards his face like a shield.

"Oh no I-uh... took it from another... girl," Maka lied poorly.

"We're really busted now!" Soul muttered/

However, Maka had heard him. "Maka Chop!" she shouted hitting him right on top of his head knocking him to the ground with a small fountain of blood sprinkling out.

He got back up and glared at her shouting, "Hey, what was that for?"

"You know, what that was for!" she shouted back at him.

"I know why you’re here," the raven-haired woman interrupted, causing both Maka and Soul to look at her.

Soul and Maka stopped and looked at her gulping. "Y-You do?" they asked in unison and quivering.

"It's about the rumor about our boss and you're here to see if it's true," she said. She had hit the nail on the head and made Soul and Maka get a little bit of their nerves back.

'We're so screwed!' Soul and Maka thought at the same time.

"N-no, we are... are," Soul said. Then he put his head down in defeat. "I got nothing."

“It’s okay,” the girl said. “I want to prove that our boss isn’t a witch. Follow me to our hideout, so I can show you the truth.” She then started to run off and stopped.  The raven-haired woman turned back and waved her arm towards them.

Soul and Maka looked each other a bit nervously. Soul whispered to Maka, “Should we trust her or not?”

“Soul, I don’t know!” Maka whispered back to him. “But it’s our only shot, right? Are you with me or not, Soul?”

Soul gazed at Maka and gave her his trademark grin, which showed off his sharp teeth and saying, “You know that I can’t leave your side, right? I’m your weapon and you’re my master!”

“So, it’s settled then,” Maka said.

The woman came back and asked with annoyance plastered on her face, “Are you coming or what?”

“We’re coming, we’re coming,” Maka said walking straight up to the girl.  Soul followed and glanced at the woman and blurted out “By the way, we haven’t gotten your name!  How can we even trust you?”  Maka glared daggers at him and Soul gulped anxiously.

The raven-haired woman chuckled again and then replied, “Oh, my name is Julia, but you can call me Jewell, okay?”

“That’s a really nice name,” Maka said smiling at Jewell, no longer glaring daggers at Soul.

“Thanks,” Jewell said with a smirk.

Maka and Jewell talked to each other while Soul was walking behind them muttering, “I still have a bad feeling about all this.”


When the three of them arrived at the location, Soul and Maka were shocked at what they saw. What lay before them was... a giant five-story mansion. It was on top of the hillside and was a pretty ancient mansion, perhaps about late 1800s or  early 1900s look to it.  It had stained glass windows of black roses on them, lush green rose vines growing on the sides of the brick walls of the mansion, and it appeared more like a castle than a mansion.

Soul and Maka both looked at Jewell and asked, “Is this really you and your gain’s hangout?”

Jewell looked at them and answered, “Yes, this is our hangout! Isn’t it wonderful and beautiful?”

Soul and Maka looked at each other and both had the same idea, ‘Most definitely a witch!’

“Well…” Jewell started, “are you coming or what?” She opened up the massive steel gate of the front gate for them.

Soul and Maka walked in through the massive front gate. It took them about five to six minutes to get up to the doorway of the mansion. When they reached the door Jewell press the button on the side of it. A quiet female voice came out of the speakerphone.

“Yes, who is it?” asked the voice.

“Sakura, it’s me!” she told the person.

“What are you doing here, Julia?” demanded the female voice known as Sakura.

“I have two people here who want to talk to the boss.”

“Are they here to join our gang?”

“No, you hear about-” she stopped for a second and look back at Soul and Maka and she continued, “the other thing!”

It took a few seconds for the other lady to respond, but then she said, “Just a minute, I’ll have one of the maids come down to get the door open for you.” It took about two to three minutes for the front doors to open. The person who opened the door was a maid. She had chestnut-colored hair that went down to her waist, oak brown eye with one covered by an eye patch, a face that looked like a doll and she had a dull expression on her face.  She was wearing the usual black and white maid outfit.

Then she looked at Jewell and said, “It is good to see you again, Miss Julia.” She turned to look at Soul and Maka. “Greetings, my name is Eliza! It is very nice to meet you.” Eliza took a bow to show respect.

“Eliza, you don’t have to be always so formal about greeting guests,” Jewell told her.

“I was taught to always be formal to all! Anyway, please come in,” she said moving away from Jewell, letting the three of them enter. When they entered, Soul and Maka were surprised to see that the incentive the mansion was beautiful. It was a well lit room with a jet paint chandelier in the middle of the ceiling, old paintings from covering around the 1700s, mastered wood carpeting and wood carving and a giant stairway in the middle of the room that shown the second floors.

Soul was told that how cool the place looked, “This is a really nice place she got here, for a hangout, you know?”

“Thank you, Soul,” Jewell and Eliza replied happy in unison.

“Please, follow me!” Elizabeth said. She let them to what looked like the dining hall. There was a giant antique rosewood table in the room with a medium-sized chandelier in the center of it and a humongous painting above the center of it. “Please have a seat; our mistress will meet you shortly.” Eliza turned to look at Jewell. “Julia, may I have a word with you outside in private please?”

“Sure,” she said, the two of them stepped outside of the room and closed the door behind them, leaving Soul and Maka by themselves.

“So,” said Soul, “should we… take a seat?”

“I’m guessing so,” said Maka. The duo took a seat right next to each other in the center of the table.

“So,” start Soul, “what do we do now?” The floor beneath them opened up.

“I wish you hadn’t asked that, Soul!”

In a few seconds, they were sliding down the tunnel and screaming at the top of their lungs. Soul was the first one to land on the ground. Unfortunately for him, Maka landed on top of him crashing his back.

“That wasn’t so bad,” stated Maka. “Uh… Soul, where are you?”

“M-Maka, please… Get off my back,” Soul groaned in pain. “I t-think you broke my… spine...ouch!”

Maka looked down to see that she had indeed landed on Soul’s back. “Soul!” She shouted scrambling to get off of him as fast as she could and looked down at him. “I’m so sorry, Soul! I didn’t mean to…!”

“It wasn’t your fault,” he gasped in relief, got up, and started popping his back in place. “You couldn’t control where you were falling.”

“Welcome,” said a voice above them. Soul and Maka looked up to see that they were in a large cage of some sort, which appeared to be more like an arena. “I’m so sorry for the rude introduction, but we don’t take too kindly to strangers.” They finally saw who was talking. It was a woman who looked like she was in her early twenty’s. She had raven black to her waist, a golden yellow eye that was visible while the other was covered by a thick and windswept bang. The lady was wearing a black sleeveless kimono dress that went down to her knees with a rose on her left shoulder and with its petals falling off. She had gloves that went past her elbows and boots that almost covered her lower legs. “But, where are my manners? I haven’t introduced myself. My name is Rose, as in Rose Thorn!”

“You know,” Soul started putting his hand on the back of his neck, “a good host would treat her guests a lot more nicer, you know?”

“I do apologize for my rude behavior, again” she apologized. “But my girls were only trying to protect me!” Suddenly, Jewell and Elizabeth walked forward along with several other girls.

Jewell then spoke to them, with a bit of guilt in her voice, and said, “Sorry, but we had to do that to you two! Please, don’t take it so hard!”

“But still,” Rose said, “Lord Death has broken his deal by sending you two.”

Maka and Soul couldn’t believe what they heard. “You’re lying!” Soul Shouted. “Lord Death would never make a deal with a witch!”

“That’s true!” Maka joined in. “If anything, you broke that deal!”

“You two know so little,” Rose said with a slight laugh.  “Eliza, open the gate.”

“Yes, Mistress Rose,” she replied.

Soul and Maka were waiting for a gate in the arena. What surprised them was that the gate was at the top of the cage where everyone was watching. Rose walked over to where the gate was and dropped right through it. She momentarily stood in midair and proceeded to take a walk. When she did, rose vines grew into a giant step that she took and then retraced back into vines after she stepped off of them.

When she finally got to the bottom, Rose glanced at both Maka and Soul.

“I really don’t want to fight you,” she stated.

“Just quit then!” Maka said.

“That is also not an option! I’m sorry for what I’m about to do, Black Rose Whip!” After she said that the rose in her hand turned into a spiked whip.


“Right,” he then transformed into his scythe form. They were now going to fight the witch Rose Thorn.

To be continued

Okay finished finally finished with chapter one. Sorry for taking so long on making a story but I just keep getting writer block. My next chapter will be out so and keep watch for my other stories. Anyways Read and review, please.

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